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Coronel (Ej-Ven) Manuel A Ledezma Hernández

Ciudadana Almirante en Jefe Ministra de la Defensa
Ciudadano Vicealmirante Presidente de la Junta Administradora del IPSFA
Ciudadano General de División Presidente de Seguros Horizonte S.A.

¿Alguno de ustedes tiene conocimiento de esta penosa e inconcebible situación y qué están dispuestos hacer?

Buenas noches. A propósito de los correos que están circulando acerca de la Seguridad Social que supuestamente brinda, o debe brindar, el IPSFA tenemos la siguiente circunstancia que sirve de testimonio mucho mejor de todo aquello que se pueda escribir.

En el archivo adjunto podrán encontrar la solicitud de fondos que hace una nieta del GB (AV) José Atilio Merlina Godoy, fallecido la semana pasada en los Estados Unidos de América (Florida) y aún al día de hoy no ha podido llevarse a cabo los funerales por falta de dinero.

Al momento de su muerte recibimos información que hacía varios meses que no recibía su pensión de retiro de parte del IPSFA. Dada esta forma de actuar del Instituto encargado de nuestra previsión social, los deudos del GB Merlina se han visto en la necesidad de acudir a una organización que se ocupa de facilitar la recolección de fondos para casos como este.

¿Qué podemos decir? ¿Mostrar orgullo por el IPSFA?
¿Sentirnos avergonzados como profesionales militares y como pueblo? ¿Es así como pagamos una vida dedicada al servicio de la Patria?
¿Sentir pena ajena por el IPSFA y sus directivos?

Dado que hay una sola forma de evitar el pase a Retiro, la cual no deseo a nadie pues los quiero ver a todos en esta acera, llamo a la reflexión a los Oficiales en situación de Actividad para que se miren en este espejo y vean el fruto que posiblemente recojan muchos de aquellos que piensan que el Retiro no los alcanzará.

En el siguiente link podrán ver la publicación solicitando los recursos que le fueron negados por parte de quienes debieron velar por su bienestar. 

C.N., M.Sc. Adolfo Añez Marcano
0412 - 9641348

Funeral Fund for GB Jose Atilio Merlina Godoy

11days left$1,260raised of $6,000 goal
Organizer: Maria Jose Merlina Beneficiary: Beatriz Cienfuegos de Merlina
We set up this page to help fund money for the memorial and funeral costs of our grandpa. These are difficult financial times, and we wanted to help relieve a little of the burden for our grandma.
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Our grandfather, Jose Atilio Merlina Godoy, passed away on September 26th, 2014. He was a highly decorated Brigadier General of the Venezuelan Air Force. To us he was our grandpa, our abuelito, but to others he was a great mentor, flight instructor, father, husband, cousin, and friend. He was very caring and loyal, his character that of an honorable man, and he lived a very fulfilling life until he developed one of the most debilitating diseases: Parkinson. As the diseased advanced, his freedom to move, to walk, to talk, to eat, to be who he was, slowly got taken away from him. Nonetheless, he fought till the very end. He did not want to give up. His spirit was as strong as ever, and in his plight he never lost that spark that characterized him.
After the loss of his daughter in 2008, he took the responsibility of providing for her two children, which caused him financial distress. Grandpa was the primary provider. As a retired officer, he had a life pension. However, the economic situation in Venezuela has been deteriorating throughout the years, and in 2014 he has struggled with the Venezuelan government and its entities to receive payment. His life savings have been completely depleted, and despite the situation, he did not qualify for financial aid from the U.S government, where he has been residing for the past 10 years. For those reasons our grandmother, Beatriz Merlina, is now facing a very uncertain future, and the passing of my grandpa at such a time only intensifies the situation.
We are now trying to plan his memorial and funeral and we want to honor his memory as best as we can, but unfortunately our family is going through very difficult financial times. A lot of you have reached out to us for comfort, for support, for help and we are immensely grateful. Still, we set up this page for our grandmother, to help release a little of the burden. Any donation that you could make would help us exponentially and would be greatly appreciated. If you can’t donate, please help spread the word. Any little bit helps. Thoughts and prayers will be much appreciated as well. 
- See more at:

Septiembre, 30 de 2014